Not Your Average Chicken Meal

Chicken is healthy but… I’m tired of chicken. There’s no way around it. Living a healthy lifestyle is a wonderful experience. But if you don’t seafood or fish your entrees are limited to chicken, turkey….and more chicken.

I’m always trying to find new alternatives to baked chicken breasts because seasoning can only go so far. So when I saw this recipe I JUMPED at the opportunity!


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(Sorry the picture doesn’t really do the plate justice but you get the gist). But these chicken balls. You’re UH-mazing. Truly. It’s like a repackaged Christmas gift that you actually love. The different texture, taste, juiciness. Everything was so good about these. I love that I could make (6) balls and eat half and save the other half for my work lunch.

This recipe is VERY easy to add or change to fit your preferences. I added the green onion and spinach to the original recipe. So for those of you looking for healthy, chicken alternatives here ya go!

1lb lean ground chicken

2-4 green onions

1/2 tomato

1/2 red onion

1 egg

1 cup spinach

2tbs honey mustard

1tbs ketchup

1-2 cloves of garlic

Pinch of salt

Pepper to taste



Prep oven at 375 degrees. Mix all the above ingredients together.

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I used a 6-cup muffin pan and created 6 same-sized balls. Cook for about 25 minutes. (You’ll have a bit of liquid runoff from the balls after cooking so be careful and don’t burn yourself!) Voila!

